- exocrine
- a физиол. внешнесекреторный
exocrine gland — железа с внешней секрецией
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
exocrine gland — железа с внешней секрецией
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
exocrine — [ ɛgzɔkrin ] adj. • 1906; de exo et gr. krinein « sécréter » ♦ Physiol. Qui déverse le produit de sécrétion à la surface de la peau ou d une muqueuse (opposé à endocrine). Les glandes salivaires sont exocrines. Par ext. Sécrétion exocrine. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
exocrine — glands release their secreted products into ducts that open onto epithelial surfaces. See endocrine … Dictionary of molecular biology
exocrine — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a gland) secreting hormones or other products through ducts rather than directly into the blood. ORIGIN from Greek krinein sift … English terms dictionary
exocrine — [eks′ō krin΄, eks′ōkrīn΄, eks′ōkrēn΄] adj. [ EXO + crine, as in ENDOCRINE] designating or of any gland secreting externally, either directly or through a duct n. any such gland, as a sweat gland, or its secretion … English World dictionary
Exocrine — Glande exocrine Une glande exocrine est une glande qui sécrète des substances dans le milieu extérieur de l organisme, c est à dire de la peau, du tube digestif ou de l arbre respiratoire. Les glandes exocrines délivrent leur sécrétion par l… … Wikipédia en Français
exocrine — 1. Denoting glandular secretion delivered to an apical or luminal surface. SYN: eccrine (1). 2. Denoting a gland that secretes outwardly through excretory ducts. [exo + G. krino, to separate] * * * exo·crine ek sə krən, .krīn, .krēn … Medical dictionary
exocrine — /ek seuh krin, kruyn , kreen /, Anat., Physiol. adj. 1. secreting to an epithelial surface. 2. of or pertaining to an exocrine gland or its secretion. n. 3. an external secretion. 4. See exocrine gland. Cf. endocrine. [1910 15; EXO + crine < Gk… … Universalium
exocrine — ex•o•crine [[t]ˈɛk sə krɪn, ˌkraɪn, ˌkrin[/t]] adj. 1) anat. phl secreting to an epithelial surface 2) anat. phl pertaining to an exocrine gland or its secretion 3) anat. phl exocrine gland • Etymology: 1910–15; exo + crine < Gk krinein to… … From formal English to slang
exocrine — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary exo + Greek krinein to separate more at certain Date: circa 1911 producing, being, or relating to a secretion that is released outside its source < exocrine pancreatic cells > … New Collegiate Dictionary
exocrine — adjective a) Producing external secretions that are released through a duct. b) Pertaining to the exocrine glands or their secretions … Wiktionary
Exocrine gland — Exocrine glands are glands that secrete their products (enzymes) into ducts (duct glands). They are the counterparts to endocrine glands, which secrete their products (hormones) directly into the bloodstream (ductless glands) or release hormones… … Wikipedia